Molding Thoughts and Censoring Opinions

George Orwell's novel 1984 delves into the idea of spreading false information and how it's used to control and influence society. The story envisions a future where a harsh government, led by the Party and its leader Big Brother, has total power over people's lives, even their thoughts. The Party employs different methods to spread false information and stay in control.

One notable method is "Newspeak," a language created to limit and manipulate thoughts by reducing the number of ideas that can be expressed. Newspeak's purpose is to replace words and concepts that might challenge or criticize the Party's beliefs, effectively managing how people think and communicate. This is comparable to modern examples like using terms such as "unhoused" or "misspoke" instead of "homeless" or "made a mistake," or using abbreviations like LGBTQIA2S+ to refer to diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, or labeling someone as a "nationalist" or "terrorist" based on political beliefs.

Orwell also presents the idea of doublethink, which means believing two opposing things at the same time and considering both as true. This psychological trick helps the Party control people's minds, making them accept false information and contradictory ideas without questioning (like requiring ineffective masks during a disease outbreak).

In 1984, the Party changes historical records and spreads false information through the Ministry of Truth. This manipulation of history aims to control society's memory in a time where truth isn't clear, making sure that only the Party's version of reality is trusted (like how wars were portrayed to protect "freedom").

Through these examples, Orwell shows how disinformation can twist truth, control what people think, and uphold oppressive systems. The book warns us to think critically, have our own thoughts, and protect real facts when facing false information and propaganda.

Disinformation is harmful, but replacing it with censorship or more false information is even worse.

The manipulation with words never ends for the authoritarians. The phrase "hate speech" is a flexible tool for enforcing rules, which is why we should strongly oppose any attempts to make banning hate speech part of the First Amendment.

A similar play with words apply to QAnon. We've been hearing about QAnon for a while, but we still can't confirm if it's real. If we rely on the mainstream media, it seems extremely powerful and sinister, but it might actually be imaginary, like a mythical creature. Do they even have a secret hideout?

There are rumors centered around NESARA/GESARA as well, and like with QAnon, there's a cloud of uncertainty. Despite being talked about, it's challenging to confirm its existence. Some sources might portray it as significant and transformative, yet it's possible that it's more of an idea than a concrete reality. Is there an official organization, a way to contact them, or a specific place where they operate?

The government is using social media companies to mold and censor opinions that go against the norm, while claiming to correct false information. This goes against the First Amendment.

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