Cycles of Change

Knowledge - Culture - Growth

Education and Knowledge

Education and Knowledge

Essence is the fundamental nature or underlying quality that makes something what it truly is. It is the set of attributes or characteristics that define the true nature of an object or being, without which it would not be what it is. In philosophy, [...]
Optimizing the intake of academic information and current events requires a strategy that balances speed, depth, and comprehension. Reading text remains one of the fastest ways for humans to absorb large amounts of detailed information. When [...]
For both now in the future, humanity exists in a state of digital conformity, shaped by a unified expansive global network that operate across every sphere of life. Working together, these networks, both governmental and private, have extended their [...]
When it comes to investments and risk management, human existence is shaped by a variety of low-probability, high-impact (LPHI) events and high-probability, slow-moving (HPSM) crises. Balancing these two forms of risk is essential in planning for [...]
Awakening from the collective mindset, much like in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, requires an internal and external shift, both on the personal level and in society. People are often trapped in their own mental prisons, unable to recognize the [...]
There have always been those who stand apart, outside the fray of conflict and noise. They do not belong to any side, nor do they seek to. They are the watchers, the ones who refuse to be claimed by a cause or a movement. In ancient times, they [...]
Below is a simplified timeline table of the evolution of ape-like species, leading up to the present understanding of human rights, including key developmental stages, eras, and events: Era/Period Developmental Stage Event/Concept 5-7 million years [...]
The Cartesian Crisis, rooted in the philosophical approach of René Descartes, emerges from the profound separation between mind and body, leading to an existential dilemma for humanity. This crisis has shaped modern thought, where the pursuit of [...]

Unified Wisdom Theory

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Unified Wisdom Theory seeks to bridge the gap between ancient insights and modern science, offering a new perspective on unexplained phenomena and encouraging a more integrated view of reality. This novel theory combines timeless ancient knowledge [...]
The theory of everything (ToE) aims to unify all fundamental forces and particles into a single coherent framework. This ambitious goal addresses the grand challenge of reconciling quantum mechanics, which governs the behavior of the smallest [...]
Neurodiversity; a study of variations in human intelligence leverage capacity using Large Language Models (LLMs): Facts Intelligence Measurement: Human intelligence is typically measured through IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tests, designed to assess a [...]

What is Truth?

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Truth is all about what is real and what actually happens. It’s like when you see the sun shining in the sky and you know it’s day. Truth means what you see, hear, or know is correct and not made up. When you’re looking for the truth, you want [...]