Society and Ethics

Society and Ethics

Jesus Asking Questions

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Jesus asked a total of 339 questions throughout the four Gospels of the New Testament. The distribution of these questions is as follows: 109 in Matthew 68 in Mark 107 in Luke 55 in John These questions often served to provoke thought, reveal deeper [...] Read more

The Search for Truth: Defining and Understanding Reality

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The intellectual search for truth is a fundamental quest in philosophy, science, and theology. It involves the pursuit of understanding the nature of reality, existence, and the validity of knowledge claims. Defining what constitutes truth is a [...] Read more

Vince Everett Ellison: A Voice of Insight and Change

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Vince Everett Ellison is a multifaceted individual, known for his impactful work as an author, musician, and media personality. Born on June 4, 1963, in Haywood County, Tennessee, Ellison's early life was marked by the challenges of growing up in a [...] Read more

Sacramental and Holistic Well-Being

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Modern lifestyles, characterized by rapid technological advancements, fast-paced routines, and increasing secularization, present unique challenges and opportunities for holistic well-being. The Catholic Church, with its rich traditions and [...] Read more

The Right to Be Left Alone: A Foundational Concept in Privacy Law

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The phrase "the right to be left alone" is most famously associated with Justice Louis Brandeis, who, in a 1928 Supreme Court dissent, articulated a fundamental aspect of privacy law. This concept has since become a cornerstone in the ongoing debate [...] Read more

Take Wives, Make Children, and Plant Gardens: An Ancient Call for Continuity

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The phrase "Take wives, make children, and plant gardens" originates from the Bible, specifically from the prophet Jeremiah's letter to the exiled Israelites in Babylon. This message is found in the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verses 4-7. It [...] Read more

The Relevance of Ancient Wisdom in Modern Society

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Ancient scriptures often contain warnings about the perils of hubris and the potential dangers of excessive self-reliance or pride. These cautionary tales can be found in various religious and philosophical traditions, emphasizing the importance of [...] Read more

The Universal Presence: Exploring Shared Spiritual Concepts

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In our discussions on spirituality, we find a common ground, despite our different backgrounds. Let’s explore the essence of these beliefs through a shared lens, drawing upon universal concepts that transcend specific religious doctrines. Consider [...] Read more

Impact of Open Border Policies on Everyday Americans

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In consideration of our open border policy in the USA since 2020, it's important to understand how open borders affect regular Americans like you and me. It's not just about what politicians say—it's about looking at the strengths, weaknesses, [...] Read more

Solution to Government Overreach

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The solution to curbing governmental overreach and restoring the principles envisioned by the Framers of the Constitution involves several key actions. There must be a reinvigoration of the checks and balances system. This includes ensuring that [...] Read more

Who is Mark Levin?

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Mark Levin is often cited as one of the most influential and persuasive political commentators in the English-speaking world today. His influence is largely due to his extensive experience, deep understanding of constitutional law, and his ability [...] Read more

Niaya: Justice as a Multifaceted Principle

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The concept of niaya, also known as justice, is an important idea in many cultures and philosophies. Justice generally refers to fairness and the moral rightness of decisions and actions. In various legal systems and ethical discussions, justice is [...] Read more

The Ashtiname of Muhammad and Its Relevance to Modern Religious Tolerance

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Outline: Introduction Explanation of the Ashtiname (Oath) of Muhammad. Historical context and significance. Recent Developments Renewed interest in the Ashtiname. Scholarly and activist perspectives on its relevance. The Role in Promoting Religious [...] Read more

The Impact of Legal Cases on Politics and Society

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Explore the influence of high-profile legal cases on elections and societal issues, including crime and judicial strategies in various regions. I. Introduction Overview of the goal to influence the 2024 election through the Trump investigation. The [...] Read more

Homelessness Transcends Political Ideologies

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As homeless people wanting to see less conflict all around, we often wonder what we can do to bring more unity and less divisiveness to the American people. At the top of the pyramid, we see the left and right political ideologues engaged in an [...] Read more

Embracing Shared Values for World Peace

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In our world, with its many beliefs and ways of life, conflicts often arise, both big and small. These disagreements can be hurtful and create long-lasting divisions. But amidst our differences, there's a shared belief that can bring about [...] Read more

What God Had in Mind

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When your friend, who is a hardened criminal, hears the statement, "you are today exactly what God had in mind when God made you," they might have a wide range of thought processes and reactions. People's responses can vary greatly based on their [...] Read more

Congress Debates Corporate Content Moderation

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With regard to the Congressional debate on the extent of influence that corporate entities should have over shaping public discourse and the potential implications for democratic discourse and information access, we have the following points to [...] Read more

Emergence of a Religious Left

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The absence of a prominent Religious Left, in contrast to the powerful Religious Right, is a complex phenomenon shaped by historical, social, and political factors. The emergence of a robust Religious Left and its potential influence on the [...] Read more

Buddhism and Christianity

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Buddhism and Christianity are two major world religions that have distinct teachings, practices, and beliefs, while also sharing some common themes. Here is a comparison and contrast of their key teachings: Similarities: Ethical Principles: Both [...] Read more

Reshaping the American Landscape

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Since the symbolic fall of the American business towers in 2001, changes have collectively reshaped the American landscape, significantly impacting various aspects of society. Here are the key pillars of this transformation: Freedom of Expression: [...] Read more

Balancing Tradition and Innovation

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In our world today, people often hold different viewpoints on various subjects. These differing opinions can sometimes lead to division and uncertainty among people. When we encounter things that are new or unfamiliar, it's natural to feel scared or [...] Read more

Moral Hazard Ahead

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The concept of "moral hazard" is often invoked in discussions about government manipulation of financial policies and economic behavior. Moral hazard refers to a situation in which individuals or entities are more likely to take risks because they [...] Read more

Molding Thoughts and Censoring Opinions

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George Orwell's novel 1984 delves into the idea of spreading false information and how it's used to control and influence society. The story envisions a future where a harsh government, led by the Party and its leader Big Brother, has total power [...] Read more

Poorly Trained Officers Present Hazard

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In several countries like Finland, Australia, Denmark, and Germany, police officers receive much more training than their American counterparts. For example, Finland provides police cadets with 5,500 hours of training, while the minimum required in [...] Read more

Thought Crimes and Hate Crimes

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Thought crimes and hate crimes are two distinct concepts that involve criminal acts driven by different motivations and intentions. Thought crimes refer to the idea of punishing individuals for their beliefs, opinions, or expressions of ideas that [...] Read more

No Barbecue For You

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In post-World War II America, barbecuing over charcoal emerged as a beloved tradition, uniting families and friends in joyful gatherings. Spurred on by suburban living with spacious backyards, charcoal grills provided a steady heat and a delightful [...] Read more

Your Lawn Mower is Next

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In this briefing, we will explore the multifaceted considerations surrounding the retention of gasoline-powered lawn mowers and the potential implications of transitioning to electric alternatives. While concerns about pollution and climate change [...] Read more

NPC - Non Player Character

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NPC stands for "non-player character." It is an acronym used in video games to refer to characters that are not controlled by the player. NPCs can be anything from simple background characters to important story figures. They can be friendly, [...] Read more

Sociopolitical and Ideological Agendas in Schools

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Fostering skills and promoting a well-rounded education that encompasses various academic disciplines, critical thinking, problem-solving, and personal development is crucial for young children in schools. A skills-focused approach allows students [...] Read more

America's Public Education System

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America's public education system is failing to prepare students for higher education and future professional success, with declining scores and prioritization of culturally sensational philosophies. The state of America's educational system is [...] Read more

Homelessness and Social Integration

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Statements in bold from the book by Stephen Eide Homelessness in America : history and tragedy of an intractable social problem, Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, [2022] Stephen Eide puts forth the idea that Housing First is a flawed concept. [...] Read more