Market Sentiment Indicators

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Market sentiment indicators are tools used by traders to gauge the overall attitude or mood of investors toward a particular market or asset. These indicators can be useful in predicting price movements and guiding momentum trading strategies. Here [...] Read more

Understanding Market Moods: Risk On vs. Risk Off

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Navigating the financial markets requires a keen understanding of the ever-changing economic landscape and the ability to adjust strategies accordingly. One of the key elements in successful investing is recognizing and responding to market [...] Read more

Five Flags Theory: A Strategic Approach to Global Living

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Five Flags Theory The Five Flags Theory is an approach to personal and financial freedom that advocates for diversifying one's life across multiple countries. The term "flag" represents different aspects of life, each associated with a different [...] Read more

Future Scenario: US Bond Market Rebellion

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Abstract: This analysis explores a hypothetical scenario where the US bond market experiences a rebellion. The analysis identifies potential triggers, examines the economic and social consequences, and discusses strategies for mitigating the impact. [...] Read more

Historical Examples of Bond Market Rebellions

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Abstract: Bond market rebellions have occurred throughout history, often triggered by economic mismanagement, political instability, or loss of investor confidence. This exploration examines ten notable examples, analyzing the social and economic [...] Read more

Direction of Interest Rates, Market Rebellion, and Positioning

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Abstract: The direction of interest rates is primarily set by central banks, influenced by economic indicators and government policies. Market rebellion occurs when investor sentiment turns against these policies, leading to unrest and significant [...] Read more

AI: 50 Professions Ordered by Magnitude of Impact

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Here is a list of 50 professions ordered by the magnitude of impact AI is expected to have on them. In listing the order of impact for the 50 professions, the following criteria were used: Degree of Task Automation: The extent to which AI can [...] Read more

The Return of Gold as a Reserve Asset: Implications for Investors

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As we enter a golden era marked by BRICS countries ramping up their gold purchases and central banks selling US treasuries to buy gold, the landscape of reserve assets is undergoing a significant shift. Historically, gold has always been considered [...] Read more

The Benefits of Tobacco Usage in the USA and the Legacy of the Five-Cent Cigar

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This analysis discusses the historical and economic benefits of tobacco usage in the USA, focusing on the period when tobacco was a significant cash crop. It also investigates the context and justification behind the statement "What this country [...] Read more

Impact of Open Border Policies on Everyday Americans

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In consideration of our open border policy in the USA since 2020, it's important to understand how open borders affect regular Americans like you and me. It's not just about what politicians say—it's about looking at the strengths, weaknesses, [...] Read more

Understanding the Multi-Decade Debt Super Cycle

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A multi-decade debt super cycle follows a trajectory from economic expansion and rising debt accumulation, through phases of financial imbalances and crisis, to eventual deleveraging and recovery. Each phase of the cycle presents unique challenges [...] Read more

Chamath Palihapitiya's Investment Strategy: Emphasizing AI Infrastructure

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Chamath Palihapitiya's investment strategy emphasizes the importance of foundational infrastructure supporting AI and other technologies. His focus on sectors like renewable energy, healthcare, and education reflects a long-term approach to [...] Read more

Resilient Investment Portfolio Amid Pandemic Threats

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In light of the potential threat of another major flu pandemic, a well-balanced investment portfolio should focus on diversification to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities. An optimal portfolio would include a mix of sectors and asset [...] Read more

Comparative Analysis of Housing Market Changes in the Czech Republic and Cambodia

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The housing market in the Czech Republic has undergone significant changes since the early 1990s. Following the fall of communism, the country transitioned from a state-controlled economy to a market-based system, which involved the privatization of [...] Read more

The Bifurcated Market System: Analysis and Projected Outcomes

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The recent advent of a bifurcated market system, where both corporations and households increasingly benefit the top asset holders, has significant implications for the economy, potentially stalling a recession indefinitely or only delaying it. This [...] Read more

Volatility and Liquidity Index Tools in Trading Setups

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Incorporating volatility and liquidity index tools into your momentum trading setups can significantly enhance your strategy by providing additional layers of analysis. These tools help in assessing the market environment, ensuring that you are [...] Read more

Gold Arbitrage in the Era of Non-Dollar Trade Agreements

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The growing trend of nations like China and Russia, among others, entering trade agreements that exclude the US dollar, coupled with the rise of platforms such as the Shanghai Gold Exchange, has profound implications for gold arbitrage activities in [...] Read more

The Impact of Fading Trust in US Dollar on Global Markets

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Over the past two decades, the accumulation of US dollar bills by individuals in Asia reflected a sense of security and stability in the global dominance of the US dollar. As trust in the US dollar diminishes, primarily due to concerns about [...] Read more

Addressing Economic Challenges in the United States: Strategies and Investment Opportunities for 2025-2030

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The United States faces an economic challenge characterized by increasing national debt, gradually rising interest rates after an extended period of Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP), and persistent inflation. These issues are compounded by the [...] Read more

Stages of Economic Collapse: A Predictable Denial Process

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Economic collapse is not a sudden event but a process. Historically, like the 1929 stock market crash that led to the Great Depression, numerous warning signs were ignored. After the crash, many establishment economists downplayed the danger, [...] Read more

The Unsustainability of Large-Scale Systems

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The idea that everything organized at a gigantic scale is heading toward failure reflects a critical view of modern society's reliance on massive institutions and systems. This perspective suggests that big governments, giant companies, huge capital [...] Read more

Boom Bust Cycles of the Past 50 Years

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Commodity prices fluctuate in cycles driven by supply and demand dynamics, leading to periods of sharp increases followed by declines. Historical data shows that commodities often surge due to rising demand and speculative activity, but eventually, [...] Read more

The Military-Industrial Complex: Impact and Influence on Society

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The Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) is a term coined by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his 1961 farewell address, warning about the powerful alliance between the military and defense contractors. The MIC is responsible for much of the U.S. [...] Read more

The Impact of Legal Cases on Politics and Society

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Explore the influence of high-profile legal cases on elections and societal issues, including crime and judicial strategies in various regions. I. Introduction Overview of the goal to influence the 2024 election through the Trump investigation. The [...] Read more

Everyday Life in Modern Cuba

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Everyday life in modern Cuba is a blend of unique cultural traditions and the realities of living in a country with a complex socio-political landscape. The Cuban government continues to exercise significant control over many aspects of life, but [...] Read more

Stable and Reliable Money: A Historical and Modern Perspective

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Throughout history, societies have sought to establish and maintain monetary systems that preserve value, facilitate trade, and promote economic stability. This pursuit has led to various approaches and theories, reflecting the continuous evolution [...] Read more

Addressing Economic, Social, and Political Crises in a Troubled World

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The modern world, facing economic trouble, social unrest, and political instability, is in a deep crisis. This essay looks at the complex social, political, and economic problems in such a troubled scenario. It also examines different ideas on why [...] Read more


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Philanthrocapitalists are very wealthy individuals who believe that their significant personal investments in philanthropy are essential to creating meaningful change in the world and alleviating lack and suffering. They are influential figures who [...] Read more

Klaus Schwab and Frédéric Bastiat

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Our world has formed into a large rooted and growing land-based community where millions upon millions live and work together in large polluted and artificial cities, where we ourselves have developed into a small governing core with our own private [...] Read more

The Fight Against Currency Debasement

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The middle class in developed economies is disappearing due to erosion of its social mobility, despite massive government spending, stimulus plans, and entitlement programs. Blaming capitalism is misplaced, as the real issue lies in radical statism [...] Read more

New Gold-backed BRIC Currency

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The emergence of a new gold-weighted currency by BRICS countries is seen as a competitor to the U.S. dollar. By anchoring the currency to gold, these nations seek to provide stability and potentially reduce the impact of dollar inflation. This could [...] Read more

Sound Money Rooted in Natural Law

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Sound money, based on the principles of Natural Law, promotes stability, fairness, and economic prosperity. In a sound monetary system, the value of money is anchored to tangible assets, such as gold, ensuring its intrinsic worth over time. This [...] Read more

Housing Market Slowdown

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In an environment of accelerating consumer stress, credit score declines, and falling retail sales, efforts to stabilize and hold property values may face significant challenges. Possible outcomes include: Housing Market Slowdown: With weakening [...] Read more

Possible Outcomes of Currency War III

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Currency War III (CW3) refers to the current era of currency tensions and competitive devaluations among countries which began in 2010 following the global financial crisis. During this period, countries engage in measures to devalue their [...] Read more

20 Analogies on Silver, Gold, and Fiat Currencies

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Herein lies the essence of the contrasting nature of silver, gold, and fiat currencies explained through a collection of thought-provoking analogies. These analogies shed light on the inherent characteristics and roles of these forms of wealth and [...] Read more

Market Trading Strategies

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Trading strategies vary in their merits and suitability, but none guarantee success. Consistency and discipline as crucial factors for traders. This essay explores the significance of self-observation and understanding, developing conviction in [...] Read more

Exchange-based Leveraged Zero-sum Trading

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To Summarize: Exchange-based leveraged zero-sum trading involves borrowing funds to amplify positions, with winners and losers balancing out to zero. The ratio of winners to losers in this type of trading is approximately 85/15. Market conditions, [...] Read more

Paul Craig Roberts

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Paul Craig Roberts is an American economist, author, and former government official. He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan administration. Roberts has been an outspoken commentator on economic and [...] Read more

Murray Rothbard on Taiwan

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Murray Rothbard, a prominent libertarian thinker, examined the issue of whether the United States should defend Taiwan from an attack by mainland China. As a libertarian, Rothbard prioritized individual liberty and limited government intervention. [...] Read more

Bastiat, Hazlitt, Belloc and the POTUS

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An imaginary exchange between Messrs. Bastiat, Hazlitt, and Belloc with the President of the United States that captures the essence of their ideas and how they might discuss contemporary political and philosophical issues. President: Gentlemen, I [...] Read more

Bastiat and Others with the POTUS

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An imaginary exchange between the POTUS and Frédéric Bastiat, where the President seeks advice on how to navigate the challenges and shape the future of the country: President: Mr. Bastiat, your ideas on individual liberty and limited government [...] Read more

Frédéric Bastiat: Classical Liberalism

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Frédéric Bastiat was a renowned French economist, statesman, and writer who made significant contributions to the field of classical liberalism and economic thought during his relatively short life. Despite his premature death at the age of 49, [...] Read more

Looking Back: Military Industrial Complex

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Since President Eisenhower's warning about the military-industrial complex in 1961, there have been several instances where its influence and control over policies have been observed. Here are ten specific examples: Vietnam War: The [...] Read more

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

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The fourth industrial revolution, driven by exponential technologies, is poised to have a profound impact on the planet and its inhabitants. Here are some key areas where this shift is expected to bring transformation: Automation and Artificial [...] Read more

Live Comfortably Without Money

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There are many ways to live comfortably without spending money. Here are a few tips: Reduce your needs. The first step to living comfortably without spending money is to reduce your needs. This means getting rid of things that you don't need and [...] Read more