Cycles of Change

Knowledge - Culture - Growth

Samsung DeX and Beyond

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In our attempt to match and extend the power and flexibility of the desktop PC experience on an Android tablet, we must discuss such topics as high-end processors, Samsung DeX, AMOLED displays, stylus support, Dolby Atmos, and the differences [...]
The most probable future economic scenario involves a confluence of several interrelated factors: escalating sovereign debt crises, ongoing geopolitical tensions, rapid technological disruption, and climate-related risks. These factors are expected [...]

What is Truth?

- Posted in Education and Knowledge by

Truth is all about what is real and what actually happens. It’s like when you see the sun shining in the sky and you know it’s day. Truth means what you see, hear, or know is correct and not made up. When you’re looking for the truth, you want [...]
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is one of the most famous metaphors in Western philosophy, depicting prisoners in a dark cave who are only able to see shadows projected on the wall in front of them. These shadows are cast by objects behind them, [...]
The distractions of the modern age—constant connectivity, consumer culture, and the relentless pace of life—can easily marginalize the importance of a deeper, spiritual connectedness to the divine. This challenge is compounded by the fact that [...]
In recent years, the global financial landscape has witnessed a pronounced shift in central banks' reserve strategies, with a marked increase in gold acquisitions and a concurrent decline in dollar reserves. This treatise aims to elucidate the [...]
In our daily lives, many people have strong feelings when it comes to things they care about deeply. This includes our children, pets, and even our possessions like cars or homes. This protective instinct, or the strong urge to keep what we love [...]
The quest for world peace and renewal presents one of the most profound challenges of our time. The modern landscape is fraught with complex issues such as environmental degradation, social injustice, and geopolitical conflicts. These issues [...]
The Hawaiian concept of Ho‘oponopono is a traditional practice rooted in the values of forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration of harmony. The word itself means "to make right" or "to correct," reflecting its purpose of healing relationships [...]
In Hopi culture, the concept of "Koyaanisqatsi" is deeply connected to their spiritual teachings and prophecies, including those depicted on the Hopi Prophecy Rock. The Prophecy Rock, located in Arizona, is an ancient petroglyph that is central to [...]
The concept of the "Age of Reason" is often understood as the developmental stage when a child begins to grasp the difference between right and wrong and starts to develop a rational understanding of the world around them. This is usually thought to [...]
For a fresh out of high school graduate who values a minimalist and sustainable lifestyle with minimal ties to the traditional economic system, here’s a plan to achieve financial security while embracing simplicity: Financial Education: Learn [...]