The United States faces an economic challenge characterized by increasing national debt, gradually rising interest rates after an extended period of Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP), and persistent inflation. These issues are compounded by the [...]
Philanthrocapitalists are very wealthy individuals who believe that their significant personal investments in philanthropy are essential to creating meaningful change in the world and alleviating lack and suffering. They are influential figures who [...]
The middle class in developed economies is disappearing due to erosion of its social mobility, despite massive government spending, stimulus plans, and entitlement programs. Blaming capitalism is misplaced, as the real issue lies in radical statism [...]
The emergence of a new gold-weighted currency by BRICS countries is seen as a competitor to the U.S. dollar. By anchoring the currency to gold, these nations seek to provide stability and potentially reduce the impact of dollar inflation. This could [...]
Herein lies the essence of the contrasting nature of silver, gold, and fiat currencies explained through a collection of thought-provoking analogies. These analogies shed light on the inherent characteristics and roles of these forms of wealth and [...]