Cycles of Change

Knowledge - Culture - Growth

The Incarnation, a central tenet of Christian theology, refers to the belief that God became human in the person of Jesus Christ. This profound event holds significant implications for understanding the relationship between body and soul and offers [...]
Here is a list of 50 professions ordered by the magnitude of impact AI is expected to have on them. In listing the order of impact for the 50 professions, the following criteria were used: Degree of Task Automation: The extent to which AI can [...]
The phrase "the right to be left alone" is most famously associated with Justice Louis Brandeis, who, in a 1928 Supreme Court dissent, articulated a fundamental aspect of privacy law. This concept has since become a cornerstone in the ongoing debate [...]
The phrase "Take wives, make children, and plant gardens" originates from the Bible, specifically from the prophet Jeremiah's letter to the exiled Israelites in Babylon. This message is found in the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verses 4-7. It [...]
Ancient scriptures often contain warnings about the perils of hubris and the potential dangers of excessive self-reliance or pride. These cautionary tales can be found in various religious and philosophical traditions, emphasizing the importance of [...]
As we enter a golden era marked by BRICS countries ramping up their gold purchases and central banks selling US treasuries to buy gold, the landscape of reserve assets is undergoing a significant shift. Historically, gold has always been considered [...]
This analysis discusses the historical and economic benefits of tobacco usage in the USA, focusing on the period when tobacco was a significant cash crop. It also investigates the context and justification behind the statement "What this country [...]
In the quiet fields of Wiltshire, England, and along the mystical St. Michael's Line, a phenomenon both baffling and mesmerizing has captured the imagination of scientists, conspiracy theorists, and curious onlookers alike: crop circles. These [...]
Heaven's Gate was a UFO religious cult founded in the early 1970s by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles. The group gained notoriety for their beliefs in extraterrestrial salvation and their tragic mass suicide in 1997. Here’s a detailed [...]
While traditional corporate mainstream media (such as radio, television and newspapers) still hold significant influence, they are facing challenges from the growing popularity of podcasts and other online digital media formats. Podcasting offers a [...]
The system of checks and balances in the US government plays a crucial role in shaping the advancement of both progressive and conservative movements. This structure ensures that no single branch of government can dominate, creating both [...]
Introduction: In the realm of emergency preparedness and long-term storage, ensuring your devices are powered and ready to go can make all the difference. One often-overlooked technique in battery maintenance is reversing the polarity of batteries. [...]