Cycles of Change

Knowledge - Culture - Growth

History and Heritage

History and Heritage

Tattoos and body piercings can have both personal and societal benefits, but it's important to note that the extent of these benefits and considerations can vary among individuals and cultures. Here are some potential ways in which tattoos and body [...]
Murray Rothbard, a prominent libertarian thinker, examined the issue of whether the United States should defend Taiwan from an attack by mainland China. As a libertarian, Rothbard prioritized individual liberty and limited government intervention. [...]
An imaginary exchange between Messrs. Bastiat, Hazlitt, and Belloc with the President of the United States that captures the essence of their ideas and how they might discuss contemporary political and philosophical issues. President: Gentlemen, I [...]
An imaginary exchange between the POTUS and Frédéric Bastiat, where the President seeks advice on how to navigate the challenges and shape the future of the country: President: Mr. Bastiat, your ideas on individual liberty and limited government [...]
Frédéric Bastiat was a renowned French economist, statesman, and writer who made significant contributions to the field of classical liberalism and economic thought during his relatively short life. Despite his premature death at the age of 49, [...]
Examples of laws that are generally considered to be beneficial (good) or controversial (bad). 10 Examples of Laws Often Considered Beneficial: Laws protecting freedom of speech and expression. Laws safeguarding the right to a fair trial and due [...]
The existence of God is indeed complex and personal, and individuals approach the subject differently based on their experiences, perspectives, and beliefs. The cosmological argument suggests that there must be a first cause that set everything in [...]
An imaginary discussion between the US President and Benjamin Franklin in the year 2024. US President: Mr. Franklin, thank you for joining me today. As we discuss the state of our nation, I am troubled by the looming challenges we face, particularly [...]
While riding a bicycle can be a wonderful experience for many, there are several reasons why someone might choose not to ride a bicycle: Safety concerns: Some individuals may feel unsafe riding a bicycle due to traffic, inadequate cycling [...]
Novice Cyclist (NC): I've been thinking about embarking on a bicycle tour, but I'm not sure where to begin. It seems so daunting! Experienced Cyclist (EC): Ah, I remember that feeling well. Let me tell you, it's an adventure like no other. Where do [...]
As I sit here, weathered and worn, reflecting upon the remarkable life I have led, I can't help but smile at the countless memories that flood my mind. For nearly three decades, I embarked on an extraordinary adventure, traversing the globe on my [...]
Consider if you will this AI (Artificial Intelligence) generated discussion: Explain the ongoing debate surrounding freedom of speech, LGBTQ+ rights, and gender identity from the perspective of Christ and Buddha. Christ: Greetings, dear Buddha. The [...]