Cycles of Change

Knowledge - Culture - Growth

An urban collapse could unfold from various triggers such as economic collapse, natural disasters, or societal breakdowns. In such scenarios, cities, which are hubs of dense population and complex systems, face unique challenges. The crumbling of [...]
In today’s world, many people feel overwhelmed by governments that seem to control too much and media that often misleads. It is important for individuals who want to stay true to themselves to understand their role in this environment. Here we [...]
Life is full of concepts that might seem simple but can be surprisingly complex to fully grasp. For many people, especially those who are very intelligent, understanding these ideas can sometimes be challenging. This guide aims to break down ten [...]
As we advance through an era of rapid change and shifting values, it is prudent to reflect upon the principles that have long guided our nation. Our forebears, who laid the cornerstone of this great republic, were deeply influenced by a sense of [...]
Quantum thinking, when applied to long-term success, involves a holistic approach that reprograms the brain to integrate the mind, body, and spirit. This method hinges on resolving past issues, arranging the present, and focusing on future goals. By [...]
Knowledge is power. You don't need to believe; you only need to understand. This statement encapsulates the idea that true empowerment comes from acquiring knowledge and comprehending the world around us. Understanding transcends mere belief, as it [...]
The Five Flags Theory is an approach to personal and financial freedom that advocates for diversifying one's life across multiple countries. The term "flag" represents different aspects of life, each associated with a different country to optimize [...]
The intellectual search for truth is a fundamental quest in philosophy, science, and theology. It involves the pursuit of understanding the nature of reality, existence, and the validity of knowledge claims. Defining what constitutes truth is a [...]
Vince Everett Ellison is a multifaceted individual, known for his impactful work as an author, musician, and media personality. Born on June 4, 1963, in Haywood County, Tennessee, Ellison's early life was marked by the challenges of growing up in a [...]
The Incarnation, a central tenet of Christian theology, refers to the belief that God became human in the person of Jesus Christ. This profound event holds significant implications for understanding the relationship between body and soul and offers [...]
The phrase "the right to be left alone" is most famously associated with Justice Louis Brandeis, who, in a 1928 Supreme Court dissent, articulated a fundamental aspect of privacy law. This concept has since become a cornerstone in the ongoing debate [...]
The phrase "Take wives, make children, and plant gardens" originates from the Bible, specifically from the prophet Jeremiah's letter to the exiled Israelites in Babylon. This message is found in the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verses 4-7. It [...]